
Monday 1 October 2012

What do we have in common???

Hi guys,
As it was my 100th blog post yesterday, I thought today I would do a fun tag.
I am going to tell you 50 random facts about me, and you get a point for any that are the same.
So here goes,

1. I have to drink any hot drink piping hot(I hate it when it cools down!)
2. I'm obsessed with tweezers
3. I am always making lists
4. I call my dogs by at least 6 different names each
5. I have mild ocd
6. I have about 20 pairs of trainers
7. I am super afraid of thunder and lightning
8. I love marmite and marmalade together
9. My eyes are green
10. I'm a massive hip hop fan
11. I really want a micro pig
12. I love all things pink
13. I can only sleep with 1 pillow
14. I grow fruit
15. I was born in June
16. I love new pj's
17. I watch air crash investigation
18. Even though I am scared of flying!!
19. My feet are size 5
20. I love bubble gum
21. I make my own pot pourri
22. I am obsessed with taking photos
23. I don't drink alcohol
24. I love the smell of coffee more then the taste
25. I broke my arm in 3 places when I was 10
26. I can eat all food cold
27. I take between 10-15 tablets per day(because of ill health)
28. I love socks
29. I love gardening
30. I couldn't live without my ipad or laptop
31. I hate clutter
32. I really like wrapping presents
33. I have super sensitive skin
34. My favourite chocolate is plain dairy milk or galaxy
35. I have had 3 operations on my stomach
36. I save all my change
37. I play tennis
38. I am obsessed with nail varnish
39. My favourite nut is cashew nuts
40. I love period dramas
41. I was once hit by a firework
42. I love dressing others
43. I love maths
44. I prefer sweet food over savoury
45. I love Vaseline
46. My hair once turned green because of a hair dye
47. I spend a lot of time in hospital
48. I love shoes, the higher the better
49. I love home wear shopping
50. I listen to music everyday

So there are the facts, have a go and see what we have in common.
I also tag other bloggers to do this tag.

Enjoy your Monday everyone. X