
Friday 19 October 2012

My Autumn/Winter nail polish wish list

Hey guys,

It's Friday my favourite day of the week, though today hasn't been great because it has rained non stop all day!!! :(

Today I thought I would share with you all some of the nail polish that I would love to have this Autumn/Winter(if money was no issue that is!!).

The nail polish on my dream wish list is high end polish and the colours are fab, so here they are.

How gorgeous are the colours of these nail polishes?

I might have to splurge on one or two soon(as a little treat).

In the meantime I can be happy with my collection that I have at the moment, and that I add to all the time.

I will leave you with these 2 questions.

What is your favourite brand of nail polish?
What's your favourite colour?

Have a fab Friday everyone. X

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