
Tuesday 31 July 2012

Growing fruit

Heys guys,
I hope you have all had a good Tuesday so far.
I have had the hospital today, so I am really tired and will be having an early night.

So last year I planted apple trees and pear trees and a few blackberry bushes, and this year, blueberry bushes, and an orange and lemon tree(I have only just planted them), and I wanted to show you all the ones that have fruit growing already(not all of them do yet).

So as you can see my blueberries are turning blue(which I am very excited about), I have apples on a few trees and I have almost black blackberries! And little buds on my lemon trees.
It is fun and very exciting growing your own fruit, I love going outside every morning and seeing any progress.
And next year I am hoping for pears and oranges too, plus I really want to start growing strawberries.

That's it from me I am going back to watch the olympics. X

Monday 30 July 2012

Blue Monday

Hey everyone,

How is it Monday already????
It only seems like it was Friday yesterday!!
It is probably down to the fact that I had a really good weekend(I find they are the ones that always go the quickest, and the ones you want to last forever!), nice weather, nice company and nice food, not to mention some olympic watching(you've got to love gymnastics.

So I have just got in from taking my 5 year old niece to London and I am now officially knackered!!!

But my Monday is blue because that is the colour I choose for my nails.
I went with a pic a mix of blues,

I have got an Essie blue, a Models Own blue and OPI for Nicole blue.

I hope you all like the combination of colours.

And I hope you all had a great weekend, and enjoy the rest of your Monday too. X

Thursday 26 July 2012

Neon nails

Hey everyone,

It's Thursday already, is it just me, or is this week going quickly?

Anyway I decided after my tropical nails that I would go even brighter!!
So what could be brighter than neon yellow.....which is also ultra violet under the right lights.

The brand is True Gold and I got it a while back now and cannot remember from wear, and it just says shade 08 on it

So here it is

I hope you all like the nails.

Enjoy the rest of your Thursday. X

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Gardening blogs

Hey guys,

Who's enjoying the scorching weather????

I know I am!!

I just wanted to say that I will be blogging about my garden every week as well as all things fashion and beauty related.

I love gardening(well I have done for the past 18 months) before that it was a chore to cut the grass!!!

So I am out in the garden every day(even in the rain!), and I am proud of all my work.

I am growing apples, pears, blueberries and blackberries and I have recently planted an orange and lemon tree, as well as flowers and shrubs.

It's all still in it's baby stages but growing well, so that's why I want to blog about it and how they progress.

I hope you all enjoy my gardening blogs, there will be photos in the next one.

Enjoy the sunshine. X

Tuesday 24 July 2012


Hey guys,

So at the weekend I had a hospital appointment in London, I went with my dad who said he was bringing his camera, so I too decided to bring mine.

My dad was taken photos of old buildings and clock towers and I decided to join him, I even found an old red telephone box to photograph.

It is amazing how old some of the buildings actually are.
So here are some photos that I took that really remind me of what London is all about, well old London anyway.

I hope you all enjoy the pictures.

I hope you are all having a good day. X

Monday 23 July 2012


Hey everyone,
It's Monday again(how did that happen??), I hope you all had a great weekend.
Mine just involved a hospital appointment, tidying my room and lots of gardening which I love and plan to blog about later this week.
But as always the weekend has gone way too fast, and now it's back to Monday.

But the bast thing about this weekend was the SUN came out!! YAY.

I love it when it's so hot, everyone is in better moods, and let's face it everyone has been in sad mode because we have enough rain to last us a lifetime!!

But now the sun is here, and I really hope it stays, I have decided to ditch the black nail varnish and go tropical, which is super summery.

I have used green, orange and yellow and they are all lovely and bright.

The yellow is a Boots 17 in the shade GoGo.
The green is also a Boots 17 in the shade Juicy.
The orange is just a nail varnish I got a long time ago free on a magazine and it doesn't have a name or shade.

I hope you all had a fab weekend and enjoyed some sunshine. X

Friday 20 July 2012


Hey Guys,
It's Friday.....yay the weekend is here!

So about my obsession, ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I love love love shoes!!!
But I also have a small obsession(ok ok addiction! ;0) with trainers.

I have a large number of pairs going well into double figures, I like all different ones, white, bright or high top.
I would say 70% are Nike, I just love there trainers, but I do have others too.
And I do think they are good value for money as I wear them all the time(that's how I justify it anyway).
So here are a few photos, these are not just my favourites, these are just the ones I picked out first.

Let me know if you would like to see more of my collection.

Have a great weekend everybody. X

Thursday 19 July 2012

It's a dogs & cats life!!

Hey everyone,
So moving away from all things glitter, I thought I would put up some pictures of my cats and dogs.

I have 2 dogs Max and Cleo and the family has 4 cats, Scarlett, Coco, Tinkerbell and Pepper.
They all get along(well Pepper likes her own space!).
So here are some photos.

I will name them in order of the photos.
1. Coco
2. Scarlett
3. Pepper
4. Cleo
5. Max
6. Tinkerbell
I hope you all enjoy having a look at the photos. X

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Looking ahead

Hey everyone,

I don't know about you guys, but I am very bored of this so called summer we are having!
So I thought I would look ahead to some of the A/W 2012 make-up and nail varnish trends.

And the good news is it all involves GLITTER!!!!!
Glitter nails and make-up were all over the catwalks for A/W.
It was even on the lips, I am going to put some pics up for inspiration.

And the good thing is, we can all have fun trying to re-create our own fun looks with glitter!

Have lots of glittery fun! X

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Small update

Hey guys.

I am just doing a small update on the Dove lotion that I started using.
I really like it so far,  I have been putting it on every night and my skin feels super smooth.
Well when I say putting it on, I don't mean all over, I am using on my upper legs and bum and my stomach area, and on the back of legs(where I get the dreaded cellulite!)I can really see a difference, it is much smoother.
Now I have been dry brushing the area first, so that would of helped too, but I am liking the results so far.

And if we ever have a summer I will be ready to get my legs out in some shorts(I don't think I am bikini ready just yet!!).

Enjoy your Tuesday. X

Monday 16 July 2012

Is black boring??

Hey everyone,
I cannot believe it is Monday again(and yes it is still raining!!), the weekends go so fast.

Well yesterday I decided  to paint my nails, I didn't want pinks or reds, so I went with black(maybe my choice had something to do with the weather).
I used Rimmel 60 seconds in shade Black Out.

But after a couple of hours I got bored of the black, and while I was thinking if I should take it off or not, I saw my glitter polish and thought that will do.
So on went some OPI for Nicole different coloured glitter.

But that still wasn't enough for me, so while I was taking pictures of my nails, I had the idea to put more glitter on and try and create a 3D effect(I don't know if it worked), but I did love the finished result.

And now I can't stop looking at my nails, I love them.
What do you all think?

Enjoy your Monday everyone. X