Hey guys,
I hope you are all ok, and not to down about the continuous rain that we are having at the moment!!
Sorry for lack of posts this week, I just haven't been well.
I had the doctors Monday, and the doctor I saw had a cold/flu type thing going on and was breathing all over me.....thanks for that!!
So by Tuesday I really didn't feel well and was sick! :( :(
Then this is what today consisted of,
I know I look good!! ;)
I had to drag myself out in the pouring rain to have a couple of scans done.
So it hasn't been a great week so far and I still feel ill.
I am hoping I get better and not worse, which is what normally happens.
I hope you are all having a better week then me, and I will try and get back to normal soon. X
Feel better love! I've been sick this past week too it's always near christmas isnt it!! x x x